未分類 飯島尚憲の資料公開 <はじめに>こんにちは。飯島尚憲です。ここでは、これまで書いてきた雑文集を公開します。無料でダウンロードできます。自分の夢など、随時書き溜めていたものを更新していきます。言語学の内容もあります。楽しんでくださいませ! ①未来のことを... 2023.07.20 未分類
未分類 About Language Research Today This blog explores the relationship between English education and cognitive linguistics, highlighting the significant i... 2023.06.28 未分類
Research Features and Differences of Cognitive Grammar and Generative Grammar Cognitive Grammar and Generative Grammar are two major approaches to understanding how language works. While both aim t... 2025.01.24 Research
Polysemy Frame Semantics and Polysemy: Understanding the Complexity of Meaning Language is a remarkable tool that allows us to convey complex ideas, emotions, and intentions. One fascinating aspect ... 2024.07.26 Polysemy
Polysemy Why Is Linguistics Important for English Language Learning? The results of research in various fields of linguistics are an essential foundation for teaching foreign languages. ... 2024.04.28 PolysemyResearch
認知言語学 【認知言語学】フレーム意味論とは何か? はじめに みなさん、こんにちは。飯島尚憲(Hisanori Iijima)です。今回も、認知言語学に関する知識を、みなさまにご紹介したいと思います。 今回は「フレーム意味論」(Frame Semantics)という考え方です。... 2024.03.14 認知言語学
認知言語学 【第1回】L2指導における認知言語学の役割 第二言語(L2)習得の分野の研究は、日々進歩しています。そんな第2言語習得の研究において、認知言語学の視点がますます重要視されています。指導法などに、教育者や学習者に新たな道が開かれたと言っても良いでしょう。 応用認知言語学(App... 2024.02.16 認知言語学
Essay The Pros and Cons of Living in Sapporo, Hokkaido Introduction Sapporo, the capital city of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island, is known for its beautiful landscap... 2024.01.29 Essay
Research Recent Research Methods in Cognitive Linguistics Cognitive Linguistics (CL) is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistics, combining knowledge and research from psychol... 2023.11.09 Research
Research How to Study Linguistics Outside of the University Linguistics, the scientific study of language, is a fascinating field that delves into the structure, meaning, and use ... 2023.11.01 Research
reading The Mechanism to Enhance Lexical Richness Through Extensive Reading Language is a dynamic and ever-evolving entity, with a vast lexicon at its core. The richness of a language lies not on... 2023.09.24 reading
NLP How to Distinguish Ambiguity and Vagueness in Polysemy Research – From NLP Perspective Abstract: In this article, we delve into the intricate task of distinguishing between ambiguity and vagueness within... 2023.09.19 NLPPolysemy